Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Political Ranting

I don't do politics very well. Most of the time, folks are pretty ingrained in their beliefs and I don't have much desire to try to change their minds. People are going to believe different things, and that's fine.

What drives me slightly nuts is the notion that some of these beliefs are "informed" when in fact, they are repetitions of whatever the talking heads are saying at the moment. But I have no control over whether people - including myself - think for themselves or decide its easier to just agree with whatever they are hearing at the moment, with disregard for the facts. It gets even more interesting when some facts - such as the transcript of what a talking head actually said on his show - disappear. But I digress.

What really drives me crazy, though, is the idea that the METHOD used by these talking heads is somehow the right method of discussion, regardless of the topic. I'm not really talking about the mainstream news or the shows that actually talk about issues. I'm talking about the "entertainment" folks who spout off what they "know" with outrage and disbelief - the Rush Limbaughs, and whoever his equivalent is on the left. I avoid talking heads - they drive me nuts, so I have no idea who it is on the left, but I'm sure there are a few.

I've been told that people know these folks are more for entertainment, and we don't take them seriously, so we should ignore what they say. And that is probably true. They generally are talking out of their ass, and if they aren't, its too hard and takes too much of my time to separate the truth from the outrage.

But how is the method they are using appropriate for any kind of discussion? How does the typical cycle of, "express outrage and disbelief, attack other side, and defend ludicrous argument like your life depends on it" ever get you anywhere?

It's not the content. It's the tone, the manner, the blind following that "we are right, the other side is wrong, and showing up in the middle for a calm, rational discussion based on facts is the stupidest thing I ever heard of."

For entertainment, I get that this works great and reels in the hapless listeners. But when that method, that tone, and that cycle invades real life? Then it crosses the line from entertainment and becomes something a lot more insidious. Guns and murders are one method of violence in the media, but I think there's a pretty good argument that these talking heads are as much a menace to our society as any overt kind of violence, because people forget how to think for themselves, and start to believe that this method of discussion is valid and appropriate, when in fact all it does is create further rifts and a bunch of sheep. And solves nothing.

Stepping off soapbox. For now.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Today's Adventure: Biking

Well, not too much of an adventure, but a great workout. J and I and a friend of ours hit the river trail around 8:30 this morning (no thanks to the belly aching by yours truly, who really did not want to get out of bed).

We started at the Arkansas Queen, a boat along the Arkansas River shore in North Little Rock. From there, we road down to the Big Dam Bridge, over that monster, and then on out to Two Rivers park. We paused briefly for a break, then turned around and came back. Overall, 23 miles at just under 15mph. Fantastic ride, but I'm not sure how much good I'm gonna be for the rest of the day. All I want to do is eat popcorn, drink a coke, and watch the Olympics. Since when do my kids need school clothes anyway!

On a funny note, somewhere around mile 10, I started craving biscuits and gravy. No clue why, but after 23 miles, I didn't feel too badly about the below treat!

Petit Jean - Cedar Falls Trail

Yesterday morning, we rounded up the kids, jumped in the car with some friends, and headed an hour northwest to Petit Jean state park. I think I may have camped up there once, but have never been hiking. Yesterday was the day to fix that. Also, In an effort to get the kiddos more used to doing the 'nature' thing, we've been trying to do more hikes, but that means getting up EARLY in the morning right now. Arkansas has apparently confused its identity with Arizona - understandable, considering how many people have trouble with postal abbreviations. However, I could really do without the incredibly dry, intense, relentless heat. Holy crap, autumn needs to get here.

ANYWHO. With the high supposed to be well over 100, we hit the road about 7:30 (after the obligatory bagel stop) and started our hike around 9. Amazingly, it really wasn't that hot - I didn't break a sweat until after we'd finished our initial trek out there and were on the way back.

The waterfall we hiked to was pretty cool, even considering the lack of rainfall in, oh, over a month and the 100+ degree weather we've had all summer. There was still some water falling over the cliff, and the surrounding bluffs were amazing. We managed to catch sight of a water moccasin, several cool bugs, lots of fish and minnows, and a few deer, including a faun. Overall, the girl - the most likely critic - deemed the outing a success.

We finished the hike with some outstanding burgers in Conway and then a few hours of quiet time. Great way to spend a Saturday!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

More on the Hiking...

Hiking today, think we are going to head to Petit Jean. Plan is to get in and out before the blistering heat starts. We'll see how that goes...

Friday, July 27, 2012

Busy busy...

School starts in a week. Work is insane. This past weekend in dallas was ... a fast paced weekend in dallas. Working out is picking up. And things are generally crazy around here. Here's to hoping next week will be slightly calmer, although I have my doubts...

Friday, July 20, 2012

Dallas bound.

Early morning at our house. The kiddos are excited because we are headed to Dallas for the weekend to spend time with cousins, hanging by the pool, and chilling out. If I can just get my work stuff done at a reasonable time, all will be well. Poor j has to stay back 'cause he has to work this weekend. Altho he gets an entire weekend to himself. Wow. What do you do with one of those??? I don't remember.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Reading

A few weeks ago, I took the kiddos
To the library. Alyssa picked out a Junie B book, and Benjamin picked out a couple of Froggie books. As I was cleaning Alyssa's room this weekend, I found the Junie B book and started asking her about it. Lo and behold, she had read the book!

So last night while she and I were hanging out, I downloaded Ramona The Brave, hoping I might snag her interest. I convinced her to read a few pages and I read a few pages, and before long, we finished the first chapter.

She said she was enjoying it, which totally thrills me. As she was going to bed, she made a comparison that she was Ramona and Benjamin was Beezus (mainly due to the fact that he is older). But, she added, SHE was going to be the one with her nose in a book, like Beezus. My fingers are crossed that that will be the case, baby girl. I'd be thrilled to have a fellow bookworm in the house.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Ahead of the Game?

Our school starts August 6 this year.  AUGUST 6th.  That means that in about 3 weeks, we start school.  How did this happen? 

Both of our kids have already received a letter from their teachers and their supply list, so today we decided to take care of one of those most dreaded/anticipated fall chores - the supply run.

Included in this run was a nearly 100% turnover in B's uniforms (that's what happens when the boy grows so much in the summer), a significant turnover in A's, and their holy-cow-how-come-they-need-so-much-crap supplies. 

Let's just say Wal-Mart loves us this afternoon, and our credit card hates us.  Youch!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Yesterday was insane. Work was nonstop, including a meeting that ran nearly 1.5 hours late. Rush from work to my mom's for dinner, then out the door again for tennis. I nearly cancelled tennis last night due to sheer exhaustion, but of course I was glad I went. It wasn't the best game ever (not by a long shot!), but my brain seems to use that time to drop into different gears from regular activities. Last night it went on a thinking spree about how to organize B's Legos. Most of the ideas I have about home improvement, redecorating and organization come on the tennis court - go figure. Guess its a good thing I'm not a tennis pro!

As I came out of the tennis center, I realized it was still just a bit light out, and the sky had cleared from the earlier storms. The sky was this beautiful, luminous blue green color, and reminded me that I need to keep my head up for stuff like that. It was a nice capstone to the day. That, and the jack and diet that waited at home.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Out Of Words

Some days you just run out of words. This is one of those days.

Saturday, July 7, 2012


The end of the week happened in a blur! I'm thinking there may be a walk with the kiddos, maybe some IHOP, and a movie this afternoon. As of right now, I'm still in bed and may remain that way a little longer. Technology rocks sometimes!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Fourth Fun

Biking first, then pizzas, then fireworks. Think I'll sleep well tonight...

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

3 Random Miles

I eeked out a 3 miler last night, after a cooler day made the outdoors seem more palatable. Seriously, the difference between 90 and 100 felt huge last night. Still hot, but tolerable.

Funny to think that a few months ago I ran 26 miles one morning. I could probably still go double digits, but it would hurt something awful. But it's still better than when I started, and three miles left my quads screaming in pain. I'll take where I am now, thank you very much.

Monday, July 2, 2012


Remember how all excited I was about the whole sprinkler system thing?

Yeah.  Me too.

As of today, Maumelle has forbidden ALL outdoor watering due to a pump problem in one of the wells.  This holds for the foreseeable future.

It makes me think of how washing your car will make rain more likely.  Except, apparently I didn't induce rain - I just made the results of the drought that much worse.  Shit.  So much for bringing the lawn back around. 


Sometimes you have to relax in the knowledge that you are doing your best, and that that is - that has to be - enough. And that's ok.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Rolling My Eyes

We moved into this house four years ago come September. The house sits on a lot that is nearly an acre large, and while some of the space is just wild, there is quite a bit of landscaping around most of it. Yard work is neither mine nor J's strong point, and our house will never win any yard of the month awards.

This morning, in an attempt to avoid running, I decided to go investigate the long defunct sprinkler system. There are sprinkler heads in the yard, so obviously there is a system. There was a timer and transformer set up under the house that powered up and showed a display when you plugged it in, but I'd never been able to make it do anything regarding watering the lawn.

Please note: I have been know to miss the obvious from time to time. I did not grow up with a sprinkler system (unlike some folks around here, AHEM), so they are foreign to me.

So since it has been murderously hot and our yard and landscaping is in dire need of water, I thought I'd give it a go this morning and see if I could do anything with it. Funny enough, right outside the crawl space, very near where the timer and transformer plug in, there was a white piece of pipe sticking out off the ground. On close inspection, the end of the pipe had threads - as if you could, oh I dunno, screw a WATER HOSE into it? I seemed to remember j saying that you could run water to that pipe and test the sprinkler system, should either of us ever be so inclined. Well, today I felt so inclined.

I screwed in a hose to the pipe (the hose actually fit - hooray!), turned on the water, and fiddled around for a bit with the timer. Nothing. Hm. I set the thing to manual, and started flipping through "zones" - whatever those are. At one point, I found the setting for zone 1, and heard noises that suggested water was running through the pipes...

So I walked around the back yard, just as Alyssa came outside and said, "Hey! You got the sprinkler running!"

Holy crap. It actually worked.

Over the course of the next hour or so, I found 5 working zones, one of which will water the biggest part of the lawn in the backyard. Holy shit. This sucker would've been working for the last four years if I'd taken a few minutes to investigate. Sometimes I feel like a complete dumbass. Sometimes it is totally justified - like today. Sheesh.