Sunday, December 19, 2010


Wow, what a crazy few days.  In bullets ('cause my brain is a little fuzzy this morning):
  • Got up yesterday morning and did a little shopping with the fam - Chick Fil-A for breakfast, Sam's for some necessities, Park Plaza for some mysterious errand J had to do, eye appointments for J and I, and then back home.
  • Fast and furious lunch, then I headed out to a doubles match to knock the ball around a little.  Holy crap, I thought the running I've been doing would have kept me in decent enough shape to play doubles, but after 2 solid hours, I was completely beat.  I am sore all over today, and I'm supposed to run 8 miles...heh.  Really, though, it was the first time I'd hit since September, and I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly it came back.  I somehow always forget how freakin' good it feels to wail on a tennis ball; I grinned like an idiot for the first 10 minutes we were out there. 
  • Raced back to the house after tennis, got cleaned up, got the kiddos packed up and took them to my parents, and then J and I headed out for dinner at Ristorante Capeo's in Argenta.  We had a table in the front so we got to people watch all through dinner, and the food was excellent.  It was so nice to have a little quiet time after the crazy busy day.
  • After dinner, we headed down to Cregeen's to have drinks with some friends we hadn't seen in a while, and much hilarity ensued - a good time was had by all, I believe.  I had a few glasses of vino, but apparently I kept the right balance of water, food, and wine, because aside from some slightly fuzzy thinking this morning, everything seems good.  And really, some might say I have fuzzy thinking going on all the time, so is that really any different from normal? 
Today, well, I'm not sure what the plan is yet.  J has to work (boo!), and eventually I need to go pick up the kiddos from my parents.  I may take the kiddos to the cheesy mouse place today, but that remains to be seen. The kiddos are off school all week this week, so I need to plan out some activities and figure out what we're going to do, assuming I don't get sucked into work too much...

Time to get the day going.

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