Sunday, February 27, 2011

Too Many Questions, Too Early in the Morning

Too early Sunday morning.  There are several questions going through my mind right now:
  • Is it bad to chase a Diet Coke (told you I wasn't going cold turkey) with a cup of coffee?
  • Why are my pancakes so damn thick this morning?  Did I mess up my measurements in trying to make 1.5 batches, as opposed to just one?  (See, above:  need caffeine drip)
  • Is it better to feed my kiddos homemade buttermilk pancakes with lots o' butter and buttermilk for breakfast before school, as opposed to Eggo waffles?  I can't help but think yes, but I don't have anything to back that up.
  •  I know that wasn't a question.  Deal.  I'm in a mood.
  • Are these the ugliest pancakes I've ever made? 
  • J left for Florida this morning for a few days.  Aren't we lucky that we've got such a great relationship that he can say how happy he is to be getting the hell out of dodge for a few days?  (see above:  mood.)
  • Will my boy be able to go to school tomorrow?  See: 101.5 degree temp, sore throat, Lego Star Wars as a cure all.
  • Should I ban all electronics from our bedroom?  See:  beeping and text notifications at ungodly hours of the night.  See also:  light sleeper.
  • What am I going to try to do to today...other than take an apparently much-needed nap?
  • Will I get my 12 miler in?  See:  not really feelin' it yet, plus childcare issue. 
  • EDIT:  Does it matter if said pancakes are ugly when it appears I'm the only one who is going to eat them?  Mmmm...chocolate chip...