When do the tantrums and meltdowns stop? Really?
My girl completely came unglued this morning because she didn't get milk to drink. She had dawdled too much getting ready, and all we had time for was a quick cup of water with her waffles (she could get her own water; I had to help with the milk and I was busy with something else at the time). Complete meltdown.
B and I finished getting our stuff together and headed to the car, leaving her in the house wailing because she wouldn't settle down enough to put on her shoes. Finally, I told her to just get all her stuff and bring it out to the car.
"But I don't waaaant tooooo!"
Yeah, sorry baby girl, that's just how things go sometimes.
The amusing thing about all this was that she was wailing the above phrase at the top of her lungs (oh hi, sorry neighbors) as she made multiple trips to the car with her shoes, backpack, and remaining waffle. I felt kind of bad about it, but there was something amusing about a preschooler wailing at the top of her lungs that she didn't want to do something at the same time she was doing it.
Or maybe that's just me.
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