Friday, May 20, 2011

Exercise in Frustration

I have a group of friends who help keep each other accountable on the exercise front by emailing each day's workouts and giving support and/or hell as warranted. Yesterday, I didn't have what would be considered a normal workout, but if I were putting it in my normal email?  This is how it would go:
  • 100 bicep curls (removing excess algae from large koi pond with a heavy duty rake)
  • 3 verbal exercises (cussing upon discovering dead frog and dead fish in the pond, evidence of a sick pond)
  • 5 verbal exercises (managed to dislodge waterfall pump and pipe while attempting to remove excess algae from pond; not a good thing at all when fish are in desperate need of oxygen while algae and dirt is being stirred up)
  • 50 squats (while attempting to repair above broken water pipe in pond and failing miserably)
  • 1 balance check, followed by numerous verbal exercises (almost falling in pond while attempting to repair said water pipe)
  • 20 sprints (back and forth to power source to turn on water pump and determine if half-assed improvisation worked to continue oxygenating pond - it eventually did)
  • 10 right arm rows (starting lawn mower)
  • 10 minutes brisk to slow walking (walking behind lawn mower, starting fast and getting slower and slower and slower and...)
  • 10 verbal exercises (mower died when lawn was half mowed and looked like crap)
  • 1 driving exercise (to gas station to get fresh gas)
  • 10 verbal exercises (after discovering that old gas was in fact not the problem with the mower)
  • 1 driving exercise (to hardware store to get maintenance kit for mower)
  • 10 squats (changed air filter on mower)
  • 5 hallelujahs (after mower appreciated fresh air filter and started)
  • 30 minutes brisk walk behind mower
Total Workout Time: 5+ Frustrating Hours.
Calories Burned:  Not Important, but pretty sure verbal exercises burned the most.
Recovery drink: Whiskey and Soda.  Well earned.

1 comment:

Gina and Michael said...

Might I remind you yet can pay people to do these things! Leaving you more time to sit on the deck with a good book and some Bon-bons.