I don't really have too much interesting to write about right now, other than a nice monologue of "what I did today." And I'm fairly certain it's not all that interesting, but since that's what I've got right now? Here we go.
So I've been home pretty much full time with the kiddos for nearly a week now. It's been interesting to figure out what our routine is going to be. I thought maybe we'd get up first thing in the morning and go to the playground or park or something, but apparently no one in this house wants to leave the house in the morning. Our kiddos routinely get up before 7 (at which point they are sent straight back to bed to wait until their clocks start with a 7), and they may come down fully dressed, but neither seems to have any desire to leave the house. Which is fine with me. Coffee, computer, a little planning time - these are all good things for momma.
Swimming lessons at 11, which involves prep time starting at 10 (put on sunscreen, where the hell are the towels, why is my swimsuit still wet, where are my goggles, etc.). Add in food somewhere in there, and before you know it, the morning is g.o.n.e. Swimming lessons, pool time after, come back home and have a snack and shower, and it's mid afternoon. Quiet time for everyone, followed by the inevitable, "what are we having for dinner?" and then? The day is nearly over. And very little has gotten accomplished.
But at the same time, it's much easier to enjoy hanging out with the kids. We have our moments (boy don't we) but it's really nice to spend time with them when I'm not on a deadline or worried about missing a call or an email or whatever. Sometimes I feel like maybe I should try to fit more into the day - do something organized in the morning instead of letting them just "play" for several hours. But really, one of the things I want them to get used to this summer is just "playing." Nonorganized, nonelectronic, use-your-imagination type playing. And they're starting to come around to it. We'll see how long it lasts, but for right now, it seems to be going well. My fingers are crossed that it stays that way...
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