Well. It's been a busy few weeks. I've had a lot going on, but more than that, I've had a couple of very good friends who have had drama in their lives. Even though it's not necessarily "my" drama, vicarious drama still makes me think about my life and the choices I make and how I approach things. And it creates a bit of a logjam in what I write about. It feels a bit pointless to make a bunch of "what I did today" entries without some substance and thought to back them up. So I've been slacking some on the writing, as I process a few things.
Yesterday I managed to get out for a long-ish run. I intended to do 5 or 6 miles, but ended up with just over 7. My legs are paying for it a bit today, but holy cow it was an amazing run. And I actually was able to put a few things into words on the run. Being comfortable in my own skin, the ability to heal over time...I have a post that I want to write today about those things, but I also have a tennis match, laundry, grocery store, two kids who need corralling, and a million other things.
So. A date with a glass of wine and the computer tonight, and I'll see if I can put into words some thoughts that occurred to me on the run. Fingers crossed.
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