Monday, September 27, 2010

Falling Down

I haven't run (or exercised at all) since Tuesday, which means it'll be a week tomorrow.  I've had a cold for the last several days, and I guess that's part of it, but I also haven't had the motivation.  I find that I go through cycles where exercising is easy, and I want to do it, and it feels good, and I can't imagine ever not running or doing something on a regular basis.

And then I come crashing back down.

I go through times like now, when I honestly just don't want to move.  The weather is great, it's perfect running weather, but I just can't seem to find the motivation and energy to get out and go.  Sometimes I think it's good to let yourself go through a "slump" or a rest time, but the problem is figuring out when you really need a break and when you are just being lazy.  Right now, I'm not sure which one applies, but I'm thinking I'm just being lazy.  But apparently I don't feel badly enough about it to get out and run yet.

We'll see how I feel tomorrow.  The headache from hell is subsiding, but it's not far enough gone yet for me to want to move around very much.

The weekend was fast and furious.  Friday night we had pizza with my folks, Saturday we watched the Hogs play Alabama and lose in a frustrating game.  We hung out with some friends, took the kiddos to get yogurt, and I did the piles of laundry that had built up over the week.  Joy.  We kept the windows open all weekend long and the fresh air coming through the house was so incredibly nice. 

Saturday night, J and I watched Inglourious Basterds.  I'm not sure what I was expecting, but I'm pretty sure that wasn't it.  It is Quentin Tarrantino, so I did expect a lot of blood and gratuitous violence.  But aside from that, I'm not sure what he was going for there.  A different historical outcome, and kind of "what if" for WWII?  It just seemed kind of pointless, and while a lot of entertainment is pointless (there probably wasn't any real point to Pulp Fiction but I still enjoyed the hell out of it), it just seemed less enjoyable because of that.  At any rate, we made the mistake of watching it right before bed - very bad idea.  Two hours after we went to bed, we were still trying to go to sleep.  When your kiddos get up around 7am, it's generally not a great idea to be awake at 2am.  So Sunday was a bit of a rough day.

So now it's Monday.  Back to real life, back to traveling.  I'm tired of traveling right now.  I think I'm just tired in general.  Maybe tomorrow will feel better.

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