So after all the bellyaching I did yesterday, it turns out my database administrator was able to work some minor miracles and we lost only the time it took to restore the database as opposed to losing all the work that had gone into it so far - hooray! And, my flight last night was completely smooth, on time, and easy in every sense of the word, with hardly any anxiety at all. Maybe I should always have a glass of wine before getting on a flight? The kiddos were in great moods last night, they had a wonderful morning today, and in general, things are going well. I probably shouldn't say that too loudly, but after Monday? I feel sort of vindicated.
So today, the plan is to knock out a bunch of work, and then have a drink with a friend/former boss later this afternoon. I graduated a year before J in college, so I spent that year working in one of the administrative offices on campus while I waited for him to graduate. The person I'm going to meet later today was my boss during that year, although that sounds kind of funny now, because I don't think in terms of "having a boss" these days. At a law firm, the partners are in charge of the attorneys; those of us who aren't partners have as many bosses as there are partners at the firm. So there's not one single person that I report to, but rather whichever partners I'm working with at any given moment. There are always horror stories out there about nightmare partners and demanding situations, but I've been fortunate to not have any of those at my current job.
Anyway. I'm also hoping to get a run in, but that is looking a little iffy. The times in my life where I've been consistent about running I've either a) followed a training schedule with mandated running distances; or b) run every other day for whatever baseline distance I was running at the time (sometimes it has been 1 mile, sometimes 2; right now it is 3-4). Since I don't really have a goal in mind right now, if I can hit the every-other-day target, I'll be happy. That means today is a running day, so maybe I can convince myself to run after the kiddos are in bed tonight. That's a big maybe, though.
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