Yesterday was just one of those days. I had two projects going at the same time that involved two separate databases. Yesterday morning, I was supposed to take the first database to a client for them to review. As soon as I got to work, I learned that there was a file on the database that was corrupt and the entire database would need to be reformatted and reloaded. Greaaaat. That takes an entire day, so I lost a day there. I'm still hoping it will be finished this morning so I can get out to the client's and then get outta dodge.
The other database is one that about 4 of us are working in at any given time. In large cases, there are often thousands and thousands of documents that we need to take a look at to determine which ones will be useful. In this particular case, my database contains about 135,000 documents - a pretty good number of docs and a lot of GB of information. I have spent the better part of two or three days getting it set up and ready to go, and we all spent nearly all of yesterday working in it.
As I was wrapping up a few things late yesterday afternoon in the database, the program decided to liven things up a bit with a big ass monkey wrench. In the course of about 5 seconds, I lost all of the work the crew did yesterday, and all the work I've done over the last few days. So my day in Houston yesterday essentially resulted in nothing to show for it and a waste of three other people's days, which frustrates the hell out of me. A few years ago, I probably would've gotten completely stressed about it, but I try not to do that as much anymore. Doesn't serve much purpose, and glitches in databases are just part of life sometimes.
I'll be able to recreate what I've done, and the others can do the same, so there's not a huge loss - it could have happened 3 days from now and it would have been far, far worse. But it's such a waste of time, and I hate wasting time.
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