Well, this just wrecked my week.
Time to Kill the Habit?
Is it better to have my Diet Coke and not kill anyone, or give it up and take everyone down with me? Maybe this shouldn't be my decision to make...
For what it's worth, this is about the last bastion I have of artificial foods. No, that doesn't mean I've given up fast food (*gasp*), but it does mean that given the choice between something low fat / low cal v. the real thing? I'll take the real thing every time. Except for my DC. *sniff*
It appears it's time to start an affair with coffee...helloooo my pretty...
My love affair with coffee started when I got away from the swill that everyone use to serve.
Hefty dose of milk/cream and one to two packs of sugar to start per 8 pz of coffee makes for a nice smooth drink. Sugar can be cut back as desired.
Good quality, whole bean so it can be ground when you want it, not pre-ground which goes bad (rancid = bitter) faster.
Plus, out here no 6 cent charge per bottle or can for coffee in a cup.
Yummm...I do like good coffee, but I'm gonna guess that your coffee beats the pants off mine. :) We're gonna have to make it back out there one of these days...
I can ship you some you know. I pass by (twice a day) the biggest single US coffee plantation in the US on the way to work. When I got to work they were drinking pre-ground Foldgers on an island that produces coffee. Blah.
Probably best to start you off with a lighter roast if you seriously want to try some let me know. Flat rate boxes are cheap.
Drink away...they really debunked this on all the morning news shows.
Lee - why the hell would you drink something like that when you can get the good stuff??? Is it the good Kona coffee? My sister and brother in law are actually headed out there in another couple weeks; I may have them bring me some back for a trial run.
Gina - Really??? I know that there was a lot of data that wasn't gathered/analyzed, but the whole increased risk for stroke even accounting for other risk factors kind of freaked me out.
And really, the chances of me actually giving it up completely? Probably about the same chances as YOU giving it completely. Not damned likely.
Lies, damned lies and statistics. My favorite are statistics. So, as a runner/athlete, I'm guessing your chance of a heart related issue is, what, 0.5% in the next twenty years? If drinking Diet Coke actually does increase your odds of having a cardiac event by 61% (which I suspect is BS), then your total risk goes up to 0.805%...still ridiculously small. You're just as likely to die on the highway, probably.
I'll support a switch to coffee, though. And I'll put some Kona on the list of souveniers from Hawaii.
Me give it up? Seriously? Who should I kill first?! ;-) I do believe that all who are close to me would agree that we will take the risk of me stroking out! ;-)
@David-A little perspective goes a long way! Thanks for doing the math!
Drink up girl, drink up!
Thanks, you guys - I'm pretty bad (fortunately?) at doing anything "cold turkey," so I'm having a nice chilled nearly guilty free DC this morning.
@David, mmmmm, if you remember and have room, I'd love some Kona coffee. And really, the switch hasn't been too bad. I might eventually break myself of the habit, 'cause good coffee certainly tastes better than DC (there, I said it).
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