Saturday, March 19, 2011


Of the big three to-dos on my list yesterday, only one remains.  Unfortunately, it is the least enjoyable of the three.  Tennis match?  Check.  Won by a decent margin with legs that didn't feel like jello.  Pizza making?  Check.  Made 6 pizzas of varying types tonight and had folks over to help eat.  The crusts turned out yummy and the pizza was a hit.  Bonus?  There are leftovers.

What remains?  Packing.  We've got a spring break trip coming up, so tomorrow will be dedicated to finishing laundry and packing.  And the girl's t-ball practice.  And a 7 mile run.  Huh.  Sometimes I'm amazed at what all can get done in a day. 

Somehow, we managed to end up sans kiddos tonight...I'm still not sure how that happened, but I'm beginning to see the advantages to sleepovers.  And on that note, off to bed.  Gonna be a hectic couple of days...

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