Man. What a weekend.
This morning, I got up to a house that was empty. J had to work, the kiddos spent the night out, and the only thing on my agenda was a 7 mile run and A's t-ball practice at 1. I managed to finally drag my butt out of the house around 9 and hit the trail around the lake.
The first mile was HARD. At first, I wondered if maybe I still wasn't recovered from the LR Half, and that may be a little valid. But then I thought about how busy yesterday was, and realized that my legs should absolutely be tired. This was yesterday's schedule:
7:30: wake up.
8:00: go to bagel store.
9:30: finish making pizza dough, prep toppings;
10:45: round up kiddos and go watch J play a singles match.
12:15: eat lunch out with family.
1:15: haul ass back to house, throw on tennis clothes, grab rackets and water, prep for tennis match.
1:30: hit the road for tennis match.
2:00: warmup for tennis match.
3:00: tennis match.
5:00: arrive back at house, get cleaned up, finish pizza toppings prep, preheat oven, start putting together pizzas; put together 6 pizzas over next few hours, sit down maybe once.
9:00: everyone leaves. Collapse. Play guitar for a few minutes. Try to play word with friends.
10:00: give up trying to keep eyes open. Go to bed.
I think I sat down about four times yesterday: at the bagel store, at lunch, in the car, and a few times at dinner. Other than that, I was on my feet all day. NO FREAKNG WONDER my legs were tired, right?
The 7 miler this morning went fine once I shook out the creaks and fatigue from yesterday, though. It was a beautiful day, the breeze was nice and cool, the sun was warm, and the music was perfect. Sometimes the shuffle seems to know just what I need to keep me going. Is it sad that I'mlooking forward to spending time on an airplane, just because I won't be able to get up?
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