Ahhh, it's Friday. Birthday party for the girl this weekend, relatives in town, lots of fun plans.
Wednesday was not so much a fun day. I couldn't get my brain to behave on the tennis court, it was all over the place. It was not in a happy place. My ipod also finally bit the dust - it still works, but it managed to completely erase its memory, and it is asking for apple support. Neither of these is a good thing.
Anyway, the week has gotten better since then. I'd love to say I have some deep, interesting thoughts on my mind, but it's been pretty shallow lately. Too much tennis, too little running, and a lot of getting stuff done. I haven't been playing guitar much, guess I've fallen out of the habit and haven't had as much energy at night, but that's ok. Ebbs and flows.
That's actually one of the few things that HAS been on my mind lately - cycles in life. I find it interesting how I (I don't know if everyone does this?) go through phases in life where I feel like shaking things up or trying something different, and feeling almost compelled to do so. And of course, things settle back down after I do that. Not necessarily to their old normal, but to whatever the new normal is. And that's ok for a while, because it's still sort of new. But as soon as things start to get a little too sedate or stagnant, I have to change things around again. I used to wonder if it was a personality flaw, some character issue that I needed to address.
But anymore, I think that's just part of how I like living life. I can't imagine doing the same thing for years and years. Having the same routine, doing the same thing every night, not changing things in my life. I think I'd go insane. Every now and then, I just need to change things around. And if it's a bit out of the ordinary, well, that's ok. I never claimed to be a conformist.
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