There's just something about frantic weekends.
It was one of our normal busy holiday weekends. We cooked (and ate) more food than should be legal.
Friday night: Dinner out at a Greek restaurant with friends.
Saturday: Burgers and Dogs for the girl's birthday party, followed by drinks and dinner at the Capitol Bar downtown.
Sunday: Fajita extravaganza at my in-laws. Practically the entire in laws side of my family are phenomenal cooks. We eat WELL on holidays.
Monday: 6 fajita and other assorted pizzas to use the leftover fajita meat.
I think I'm done eating for a while.
It was just a crazy weekend where I barely managed to keep up with my kiddos, let alone get anything productive done (other than feed my gullet that is).
And while I enjoy the hell out of those weekends, Sundays (or Mondays in this case) sometimes find me a little down. I spent a lot of time getting stuff together and ready for A's birthday party last week, and pretty much wore my ass out. So I'm sure some of it is just letting down from a crazy week.
But more than that, I feel like I should have my to do list ready to go on Monday (or Tuesday) morning. And I don't really have one of those lists right now. Ok, I have one thing on my agenda today, but "play tennis" doesn't feel exactly productive. The house is a wreck, I have a trip to Ireland coming up in about two weeks, and I left my motivation at the pool last week.
I did manage a 4 mile run on Saturday (it was only 98 degrees...). It has been a LONG time since I've needed a run like I needed that one. And now I need a housework fairy to take care of all the crap I don't wanna do. Thinking I may be out of luck on that one. Maybe I'll just bribe the kiddos...
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