Wednesday, November 23, 2011


It feels a wee bit cliche around Thanksgiving to talk about the things for which I am most grateful - even though this is when you are supposed to do it, after all. But I'm not usually fan of doing things the normal or easy way. Something contrary in my personality maybe. So really, saying how incredibly thankful I feel this time of the year feels a bit awkward and doesn't come naturally. (I kind of suck at that sort of stuff in person.)

That aside, though - I am incredibly thankful for the people in my life. I try to pay attention on a daily basis to the things with which I'm blessed. And some days I do better than others. But this year, I feel exceedingly fortunate. Sometimes I wonder what kind of miracles I worked in a prior life to wind up here. Happy, healthy, and very, very grateful for friends and family who give meaning to my life.

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