Sunday, November 6, 2011

Weekend Wrapup

I guess it's more than just the weekend, but here's the last several days, anyway.
  • Hash run last Wednesday night (local running group with the slogan 'we are a drinking group with a running problem') - 4 miles, interesting people, good pizza. A good night.
  • I can't remember Thursday. Oh wait. I just did. It involved a Fall Festival at the kids' school and a 40 minute temper tantrum from the girl. Now I wish I hadn't remembered Thursday...
  • Short run Friday - 3 miles, a good pace, a nice run. 
  • Friday night - a great time at my friend M's house. I met some very interesting women, and had several excellent conversations. I also ended up staying up way too late, crashing for about an hour on their couch before J was ready to go and drove my tired ass home. I think we finally went to bed around 3:30 Saturday morning.
  • Saturday - took me most of the morning to recover from the previous night. Also met with some folks about redoing the shower in our master bathroom - that bathroom project is going to be FUN, lemme tell you. You know you're gonna hear more than you ever want to about it in the coming months...
  • Saturday afternoon - last baseball game of the season! Yay! B got on base both times he was at bat, which was awesome to see. He's got some potential, and he's improved dramatically this season. His mom needs to take a serious chill pill, but she's working on that...and we are now done with Wednesday night practices and Saturday games. WHEW.
  • Saturday night - watched the Hogs game with some friends and chilled out. Went to bed early.
  • Today - after NINE hours of sleep, J and I got up, made breakfast, and plotted our day, including 10 mile runs for both of us.
  • Today's run was pretty decent. I ran a lot of it with my friend M, so I didn't have much time for introspection, but that's probably for the best. She and I did 8 miles on the Little Rock side of the river, including one serious kick-ass hill. It was nearly a solid mile going straight uphill. I think I trashed my quads for the next week on that sucker. But she has a point - if we're gonna run a half mary in Fayetteville, dammit, we have to run some hills. I just wasn't thinking a 1 mile steep straight up hill, but whatever. We did it. We're cool like that.
So tonight I'm hanging on the couch, thinking about the upcoming week. I'm thinking I'll put my resume together this week and maybe start this whole job hunt thing in earnest. much as I have enjoyed being home, I'm more productive with a bit of structure to my days. I'm not in a huge hurry yet, but it's time. I think. 

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