Well crap. I had a nice long post written yesterday that either my ipad or blogger decided didn't need to exist.
That behind me, it's Saturday. It was a crazy busy week. I ran one time. That kind of sucks.
I worked a lot, but not a crazy amount. Some of the people I'm working with appear to work some crazy ass hours. Helloooo burnout. My deal doesn't require those kinds of crazy hours, though. I'm much happier that way.
The kiddos spent the night out last night. J and I played a game, watched a Daily Show episode and went to bed. Exciting times around here, lemme tell you.
I cut my hair this week. It was long enough to donate, so I chopped it off. Considering I see the inside of a hair salon about once every 18 months, I probably needed to cut it. My hairdresser made a big deal about me making sure I wanted it cut - are you sure, are you sure? I do this every 3 years or so, so it doesn't bother me. Hair grows, right? That's what it DOES. Eventually, it will get long again, and then I'll cut it again. Have I mentioned that I like cycles?
I have all the components for my desk built and finished, now I just have to put it together. This is gonna involve some large bolts put into studs. J jokes that I'm the one that has to use the stud finder 'cause those things don't work right around him. Hah.
OK, off to work on my desk, assuming I can find the stud finder...wish me luck!
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