- To get up earlier;
- To be more productive each day;
- To dress nicer every day;
- To not sit on my ass on the couch every day.
My Christmas tree is still up, my house is in nowhere nearly the shape I had hoped it would be after I took time off, and I have a feeling next week is gonna be a major scramble around here. Regardless, I'm so ready to go back to work, it's not even funny. It's not just for the paycheck either, although that will be nice. I'm ready for some adult interaction and it will be so good to get my butt out of the house every day.
I've been making a desk for myself over the last few weeks. I've got everything cut and stained, now I just need to put it together. "Just" being the operative word. My brain seems to work in funny ways. If I try to mow through something at a decent pace, I tend to inevitably screw it up in a bad way. If, however, I let things percolate for what seems like an embarrassingly long time sometimes, the projects go much better. Maybe I need a new CPU...
Did I mention that I'm also looking forward to going back to work so I can get on a normal sleep schedule? I kind of miss the normal schedule, despite the fact that that means I'll probably be going to bed at 11 every night and getting up at 6:30. That seems to be a good schedule for me.
Anyway, there's been plenty of other stuff going on here, despite the exciting job start news and boring sleep deprivation. I just can't seem to remember what it is right now.
So cheers to 2012, bring on the new year, and hopefully the ebbing away of writer's block. Or at the very least, something more interesting to write about than today's post.
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