I requested one thing for mother's day this year - a new Ipod. If you've read here long enough, you know my old one died after somewhere around 5 solid years of use.
J gave me his old one, but it never really seemed mine. Maybe it was the fact that the inscription on the back read "Jimbob's Ipod."
Then I managed to drop it on the hard wood floor in Alabama soon after he gave it to me, and even though we got it fixed, it was never quite the same. A few months ago, I realized that I was no longer able to load new music onto it. It would charge just fine, and had no trouble playing music that was already on there. But it no longer played nice with Itunes, and my computer wouldn't even acknowledge its existence. Not cool.
Yes, I know that there are several other outlets I could use to play tunes in my car; however, none seemed to work as well. I don't really want to burn multiple audio CDs to play in the car (my 2005 era Nissan has no data port), and I didn't want to overload my phone with a bunch of music. Not to mention that the interface on the phone is a bit more difficult.
So on mother's day, I got to open this:
J and the kiddos did good, don't you think? Driving to work this morning, it sort of felt like something in the universe had dropped back into its proper place. I have my tunes again - this is a good thing for a musicophile.
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