Monday, May 28, 2012


I woke up around 6 this morning, unable to get back to sleep. Considering that I went to bed at 10 last night, I think it might mean that I'm finally finally rested. A memorial day miracle...

Saturday morning, I made a to do list that held about six or seven items. By the end of the day, I'd accomplished only one of those things, but when your day includes throwing a frisbee at the park with friends, spontaneous margaritas on the back porch (which is slowly being whipped into shape), tiki torches, and teaching the kiddos the joy of a late might trip to wal mart when you don't have to be anywhere the next morning? I'd say it was worth it.

Yesterday we hung at the lake with my sister in law and her family. Her husbands' parents have a house on a lake nearby, and with just an hour drive, we can make a pretty good day trip of it. On the down side, I have exercised hardly at all and have eaten far too well. That's what the holiday is for, right? Tomorrow will come soon enough.

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