I'm almost embarrassed to admit how totally thrilled I am with how this little project turned out. I built this one sometime before Christmas, and it honestly has made my bathroom about 100% more habitable than it was before.
We have 4 people in and out of our bathroom every single day. Basically all showers are taken in there, most teeth are brushed, and lots of clothes are changed in there. Yes, the kids have a bathroom upstairs near their room. Yes, it sometimes gets used. No, not nearly enough.
So you have 4 people shedding clothes in there, sometimes twice a day depending on what is going on. The laundry system we had before (I'm using the term system very loosely) resulted in clothes all over the floor, sometimes stuffed in the already too small master closet, and brought about much frustration and chaos. Too many baskets, not enough places to put them, no one using the baskets (yes, that inclues me).
So after I made my first set of bookshelves for the kids' rooms, I decided I'd try a little organization for the laundry room. After all, the whole laundry situation was already a disaster, the worst thing that could happen would be that this was another system that didn't work.
However...I think this is working. Behold: the basket stacker (please to ignore the messy laundry room kthanx).
Seriously. Plywood, a bit of paint, a few lessons learned (follow the damn direction, knucklehead - buy the baskets that actually FIT the plan), some drilling, some screwing (no, get your mind out of the gutter, not that kind) and voila. The original plan called for 3 baskets, but I usually run 4 batches of laundry over any given weekend, so I expanded it to hold 4.
Totally easy - the kiddos can even sort as they put stuff in the baskets, and I'm not taking up an unreasonable amount of floorspace (which I don't have even if I wanted to take up an unreasonable amount of space). The baskets slide across the wood, so it wasn't like I had to mess with a bunch of hardware, and while it certainly has a few warts, it works. And it's stable. And the system seems to be working, which is enough for me.
I like. Maybe I need to do something similar for us, but laundry usually sits in hampers in each child's closet here. This leads to the reliving of the classic Monty Python bring out your dead routine when each kids is sent to sort and bring only the colors requested.
Is this white and red stripe shirt washed with reds or whites? Is this tan skirt light enough to wash with the lights or should it go with the darks?
Anything that makes laundry easier is a plus.
Just saw this on pinterest, great idea. Now if only it folded and put the laundry away! Awesome job!
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