Saturday, July 14, 2012

Ahead of the Game?

Our school starts August 6 this year.  AUGUST 6th.  That means that in about 3 weeks, we start school.  How did this happen? 

Both of our kids have already received a letter from their teachers and their supply list, so today we decided to take care of one of those most dreaded/anticipated fall chores - the supply run.

Included in this run was a nearly 100% turnover in B's uniforms (that's what happens when the boy grows so much in the summer), a significant turnover in A's, and their holy-cow-how-come-they-need-so-much-crap supplies. 

Let's just say Wal-Mart loves us this afternoon, and our credit card hates us.  Youch!

1 comment:

Gina and Michael said...

Doesnt the school sell supply packs? Usually a PTA fundraiser. So much easier! ;-)