Thursday, March 3, 2011


It's been several days since I've run, but I managed to get a three miler in last night.  And it was fast compared to my usual snail's pace.  I could tell that it had been a few days since I'd run; my legs were rested and ready to go.  Over the entire three miles, my average pace was about a 9:30 minute mile.  But mile #2 was actually an 8:50 pace.  It has been a while since I've run that pace - and I managed to escape without soreness today.  Woo hoo!

I'd like to say the reason I've not been running much the last few days is because I've been "tapering" for the half marathon - yeah, that's it, tapering!  Alas, I've just been busy.  Oh well.  I may get in one more short run on Friday, some tennis on Saturday, and with any luck Sunday will bring good weather and a tail wind for the half.  Or at worst, perhaps some beer at the finish line.  You know, for the carbs and all...

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