Managed to get in 4 miles this morning, and I'll be damned if I didn't find my legs somewhere in the first mile. Maybe it was because the temperature was under a bazillion degrees, maybe it was because the humidity was less then a million percent, or maybe it was because I finally threw some new music on the shuffle. Whatever it was, I'm not questioning. It worked, and it was the first really enjoyable run I've had in a long time. Not that I've been running that much or anything, but it was nice to remember how much I enjoy a good run.
The new tunes are key; I should know this by now. I ran entirely to new stuff today, and thoroughly enjoyed it. Good thing j's been on a downloading spree lately! Amazon loves us, I'm sure.
As I was running, it occurred to me that this is definitely a "weekend warrior" kinda weekend. A short run (2.5 miles) and an hour of yoga on Friday, nearly 4 miles of hiking yesterday, and a good fast (for me) 4 miler today. Even if I have trouble moving for the next days, it was totally worth it. So looking forward to some cooler weather in the (hopefully) very near future. One of these days I'll decide which races I'm doing this fall. There are three halves to choose from, one of which (fayetteville half) I've already committed to do with a friend. There's also one in Jonesboro in September and one in Conway in October. I'd be lucky to be ready for one in September, but the October one is quite possible. Maybe I'll manage to find some sort of training rhythm soon...
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