Yesterday was a perfect day for a hike! Low humidity, temperature around 80 at the start, fantastic. I think we ended up hiking and walking somewhere around 3.75 miles, after which I took the boy to a Jump Zone party. To say he got his fill of exercise yesterday is probably an understatement. He also learned what happens when you get dogpiled by a bunch of girls - fortunately, the tooth was a baby tooth and already loose, but B was the life of the party for a few minutes. To his credit, getting a tooth knocked out hardly phased him. He took a few drinks of water, gave me the tooth, and went back to running around like a maniac. Awesome.
Today, I need a long run, the girl wants to get her ears pierced, and the boy has a friend coming over. J has also entered into a pretzel making foray (not complaining), so we have good snackage around the house. Oh, and we finished off the day last night watching meteors from the hammock, drink in hand - at least, till we started falling asleep around 10:30. Ahhhh, the perils of getting older...
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