Friday, November 12, 2010

RIP and Other Miscellania

My Ipod met its maker last night. Sniff. Somewhere around Marshall, Texas, I tried to coax it into a lucid state. It gave me a few more "Ruuuumm...Ruuuuummmmm.......Rrrrruuuuuuummmmmms" and closed its display for good. Sigh. Even my 4 year old broke down in tears this morning when I told her the news. She was very upset that I couldn't play "Kick Drum Heart" in the car this morning on the way to school. I understood her grief.

Anyway, here we are at another Friday morning. The kiddos are off at school, I'm getting ready to delve into work for the day and I'm just very happy to be back home this morning. The drive last night, although punctuated by tragedy, was pretty easy and  I'm looking forward to the weekend. I have a book club gathering tonight, although I haven't yet finished the book (shame on me!), and I think we're supposed to get together with some friends tomorrow night to watch the Hogs game.

At some point I need to figure out how to get motivated to start exercising again, but apparently I'm not too concerned about it as it has been over a week since I've run. Maybe I need to sign up for a 10K or half marathon just so I can put a goal in front of me. The Little Rock Half / Full Marathon happens every spring, and I really enjoyed running the half last year (even though it was the day after a grueling 2.5 hour tennis match - I was complete and utter mush after that weekend). I should probably just bite the bullet and sign up for it so I have a reason to start training. Now, if I can just figure out where I left my motivation...

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