Thursday, June 9, 2011

Busy Day

I got back from Houston last night while the sun was still up - amazing! It was incredibly fitting that my car rolled over 100,000 miles on this last trip home from Houston. I was in Atlanta, Texas, on highway 59, just a little south of Texarkana when the event occurred. I despise car payments, so I'd dearly love it if my car would just keep chugging along for another 100,000 miles. Please?

If I'd been good, I would've hit the ground running last night, but alas. I played words with friends and goofed around until far too late. So today, in bullets:

  • Knocked out a 3 mile run this morning before J left for work. It was hot, hard, and humid. My pace was pretty slow, but my hip seems to have healed, so I'm not stressing about speed. I'll just be very content to not be injured. Actually, my pace was around a 10:10 mile. That's really not that slow for me, I'm not sure what I was expecting. Heh. Need to rein in expectations.
  • Kids have swim lessons this morning, and then want to stay and swim at the pool for a while after.
  • We have good friends coming through town this afternoon.  Gina, you already know not to expect a pristine house...I've been gone for 3 days, so you know how it goes.  My slave labor has been mostly cooperative in the cleanup effort, but they seem to currently be distracted in a game of froggy baseball, with a drumstick for a bat.  Go figure. But Benjamin has already promised to show K his legos and make sure baby J doesn't put anything in her mouth, so they are definitely looking forward to seeing you guys.
  • J's parents are cooking dinner for us tonight. His dad makes a recipe called "Cornell chicken" which is so incredibly yummy - I'm already looking forward to it.
  • I think J and B have haircuts scheduled for after dinner, so A and I will probably go play trivia with some friends.
  • Collapse.
Obviously, gonna be a busy day. Here we go...

1 comment:

Gina and Michael said...

So great to see you all! Sorry we messed up dinner with the in-laws and you still managed to whip up a home cooked dinner, impressed!