Wednesday, June 29, 2011


It's funny. Most of the time, I'm a pretty optimistic, fairly even keeled person. I don't get overly emotional or dramatic (at least, I think I don't), and the little things don't tend to bother me. Hell, sometimes the big things don't get to me either, even though maybe they should.

But every now and then, I'll have a day where something will knock me out of equilibrium, and it feels nearly impossible to regain it. Today is one of those oh-so-fun days. It feels almost beyond my capability to make a decent decision (even though I know that's not the case), I feel overwhelmed (even though I shouldn't), and the annoying, questioning voice in my head won't shut up.

I probably need to go for a long run - go have a big throwdown with the critical side of my brain and figure out if there's something that needs changing, or if I just need to hold on for a few days to let the ship right itself. Probably the latter. Either way, it's irritating as hell. I hate days like.

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