Sunday, October 17, 2010

Balacing Acts

Not a whole lot to talk about today, just keeping a bunch of balls up in the air. We had an unexpected birthday party to go to today (it was at 11, I didn't find out about it until 8:30 this morning), took the kiddos on a promised trip to Build-A-Bear this afternoon, we all had a (much needed) nap, and now I'm debating whether to fix dinner or go out when my sister in law and her family come through town. At some point I need to do all the things to get ready for the week - finish up laundry, do some meal planning, hit the grocery store, make sure the school stuff is all in order, but I'm not finding the motivation for that just yet. Heh, I'm not sure when exactly I'm expecting the motivation to show up, but hopefully in the next hour or two.

One of my issues with traveling for work is the fatigue that comes with it. Although I'm more used to it now, some trips just wear me down. This past week was a really busy one, and the next few months (literally until the end of February) promise to be busy and stressful. The anticipation is killing me. I try very hard to keep a work-life balance that works for me and my family; usually I can keep things in check. The next few months are going to be life out of balance, and that thought makes me feel kind of tired and unmotivated.

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