Monday, October 25, 2010


More bullets - it's one of those days:
  • It's another Monday in Houston, where it's still HOT.  The high today is near 90, and we're at the end of October.  Crazy stuff.
  • Just popped the second diet Coke of the day.  I went to lunch with some friends and ate a ton of excellent Mexican food.  The downside is that I now want a nap in the worst way. 
  • I'm planning on a run later today - somewhere between 3 and 4 miles.  The run was supposed to happen this morning, but I can't seem to haul my tail end out of bed most mornings.  Laziness.  I need to figure out how to find my motivation in the morning.
  • I need to make a Wally World or Target trip for some necessities, including a little something to take back to the kiddos.
  • The project that I'm in Houston for is stalled today.  I'm hoping the logjam will clear so I can wrap things up and go home tomorrow.
  • I can't believe Halloween is almost here.  We are already sliding towards the holidays, and that's just frightening. 

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