Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Laundry Fairy Strikes Again

Any house with two working parents has to have some sort of division of household labor. Our division is generally informal and very flexible, with the exception being laundry. For whatever reason, the laundry is my province - maybe because I run out of clothes before anyone else? At any rate, my standards are pretty low when it comes to this area. If it is clean, and in the appropriate basket (one for each member of the family), that's good enough. My kiddos' rooms are upstairs, and it's pretty rare that the clothes ever make it to their rooms; I just don't have that kind of time on the weekends. But they each have their basket in our room that they will root through each morning to pick out the day's clothes (folded clothes? what's that?).

I earned the nickname "Laundry Fairy" after I made a sarcastic comment about how the laundry gets done around our house; the kiddos picked up on the name and loved it. Ever since then, when the Laundry Fairy messes up and puts a piece of clothing in the wrong basket, the kiddos crack up at the Laundry Fairy messing up. In the past, the mistakes have been accidental, but these days? The Laundry Fairy might be accused of occasionally planting a pair of underwear in the wrong basket - because we all know how hilarious a pair of girl's underwear is to a 5 year old boy.  It's a small thing, but they always crack up.  If only it could always be so easy...

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