Tuesday, October 12, 2010

This Is Where I Should Be

Sunday afternoon, I was packing up for my upcoming week out of town.  The boy came down from his naptime and wanted to watch television.  We have just recently started letting him watch the Star Wars movies, and we had told him he could watch one Sunday afternoon.  I called my dad, who lives nearby, because he had told me that he wanted to come over and watch the movie with him.  Even though my dad had just left his house to run an errand, he turned around and headed our way.   I told the boy that his grandpa was coming over to watch the move with him, and my boy just beamed.  He was so excited his grandpa was coming over to watch the movie with him.  Later, watching the two of them curled up on the couch, watching the movie together, I once again remembered why we made the move from Houston.  My thought - this is where I need to be. 

Today, I'm in Houston.  We have a crazy busy week at work, with deadlines and demanding clients and difficult opposing counsel.  I'm working on a couple of different cases with people that I really enjoy working with, doing work that I generally enjoy.  I don't do the heavy hitting court appearances in my job; I generally run in the background, providing support to the heavy hitters.  I like having that function - it lets me sleep at night.  As I moved from office to conference room to phone call today, taking care of my tasks and moving things along, the same thought occurred to me - this is where I need to be.  Right now, I feel fulfilled in my job.  Being in Houston, in the office with everyone else, gives me energy that gets sapped when I work from home for days and weeks at a time. 

Conflict much?

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