Sunday, November 14, 2010

Mushroom Misfortune

My boy has always maintained that he does not like mushrooms. Actually, according to the faces he makes, it transcends the average dislike and crosses over into "hate." So we don't make as many mushroom dishes these days as we did BC (before children). Tonight, J made one of my all time favorites, steak strips and mushrooms in a tomato reduction sauce. The dish contains both shiitake and regular mushrooms, and it has been several months since we made it.

Our kiddos are usually pretty good about trying new things, as long as we only make them try one bite. It had been a while since I had made either of them try a mushroom, so I laid down the requirement that they had to try one bite of both types of mushrooms in the dish. My girl immediately ate her two bites and got it out of the way. The boy, however, was a bit more reticent. He tried the shiitake first, immediately chugging several swallows of juice to get it down. He then procrastinated on the second bite, waiting until about halfway through the meal to get the second bite over with.

He speared the smallest possible bite of mushroom, and looked at it warily. He had already finished his juice, so he couldn't chase the bite with a gallon of juice this time. He put it in his mouth, and I watched to make sure that he didn't spit it back out, then got distracted by something J was saying. About 20 seconds later, I look over just in time to see him gag and spit the mushroom bits out. Great. Being the mean parents we are, we made him give it another try. It's not even a full sized mushroom we're talking about here - it's a tiny bite. So he tried again. Same result. I decided to give it one more try.

He put the mushroom in his mouth, a slightly panicked look on his face. Ten seconds later, not only did he gag, but the rest of his dinner decided to make an encore appearance. Right onto his plate. I think it is a testament to life as a parent that I finished the bite of food that I was eating, then got up, rinsed off his plate, sat back down and continued eating as though nothing had happened.

I won't be having him try mushrooms again any time soon, that's for damn sure.


Lee Raum said...

So funny. The exact same thing happened to me with my parents, except it was spinach and not mushrooms. I also made it to the back door. I didn't have to try another bite of cooked spinach for a long time after that.

Around the Page said...

OK, that's pretty funny. Spinach could very well have been the culprit here, too - he gagged on that one a few years ago, and I haven't made him try it any time recently. After last night, spinach is also completely off the table.

Gina and Michael said...

Well he showed you! lol Remind me to not eat at your house on a mushroom night! Poor thing! Tell him Auntie G's is safe, no mushrooms in sight!

Around the Page said...

Haaahaha! I forgot you are a hater, Gina. I'll make sure he knows your house is a shroom-free zone. He's really looking forward to seeing you guys!