Saturday, December 3, 2011

Slow Mover

I've got a 14 miler on my schedule this weekend. I really REALLY don't wanna do it today, but I have a window of about 4 hours this morning / afternoon where it needs to happen. After that, it won't happen (see: rain and cold starting later tonight). So I'm trying to psych myself up for it.

On a different front, the yearly ratings for tennis came out this past week. I was bumped from a 4.5 to a 5.0 this year, and I have mixed feelings about that. On the one hand, yay that I'm still getting better. On the other, though, I lose the big group of people I've been playing with the last few years and graduate into a much smaller group of folks. There isn't as much tennis at the 5.0 level, and I'm not very good about drumming up matches and practicing on my own.

So it looks like I'll be focusing on my running for the foreseeable future. I guess that's ok, but I'll miss some of the camaraderie and competitiveness that came with my tennis league in the spring. But who knows. Maybe I'll end up finally running a marathon this year...we'll see. First, I have to get this 14 miler out of the way though. Joy.

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