Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Boring is Sometimes Good...

Yeah, last night got sorta interesting after all - I got to do something I've never done before. 

I was playing doubles at a club in Little Rock when the tornado sirens started going off all around us. My initial response when I hear the sirens is to glue myself to the television set (if I'm not already there) and figure out what's going on. The women I was playing doubles with? Had very different ideas about what to do.

They just kept playing.



Apparently someone from the club would have come and told us if things were bad enough that we needed to go to a safer place. So we kept playing. I was serving during the wailing of the sirens, and was so distracted I didn't even notice when my partner and I won the game without losing a point.  She looked at me and said "you didn't miss a first serve that entire game." 

Now, I know that I play better when I take my brain out of the game. The brain is a mortal enemy on the court - it puts doubts in your head, causes you to tighten up, and generally screws up your match. I know this very well.

But really, tornado sirens???

Maybe instead of trying to concentrate on a song during my matches (I do that to keep my brain occupied so it doesn't think), I should try to focus on the sound of tornado sirens. It worked fantastically last night, anyway...

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