Sunday, April 3, 2011


Another crazy day that isn't yet over.

You know that feeling you get when you KNOW you are forgetting something?  I got that feeling as I was preparing for my run this afternoon.  I just knew I was going to get to the lake and discover I had forgotten something, so I did a double check before I left the house.  In my running bag:  Shuffle, earbuds, Garmin, heart rate strap.  Check.  Outside my bag:  Water jug.  No, I apparently had everything, so I hoped I was just wrong.

No such luck.  I had just about gotten to the lake when I discovered that somewhere between the house and car, I managed to lose my water jug.  No big deal.  I'd just run by the Kroger next to the lake and get a bottle of water from the machines with the $1.25 I managed to scrape together in my car.

Except the water bottle button I pressed was having an identity crisis and gave me a Diet Dr. Pepper instead.  At least it was diet, I suppose?  Nothing like sticky sugar residue in your mouth on a hot day...

So yeah.  8.12 miles* in 85 degree weather with a pit stop for lukewarm Diet Dr. Pepper.  Yay.  I knew it was time to stop when I started looking forward to running into the 20mph winds because it helped support my upper body.  And now - a whiskey and Diet Dr. Pepper for my post run treat, a much needed shower, and dinner out. 

*It was supposed to be 10 miles, but I figure the nearly 2 hours of tennis playing I did this morning should count for at least 2 miles, so I cut it short.  On the plus side, I double bageled some poor lady on the court this morning.  I suppose I should feel badly about it, but...I'm not in a nice mood right now.  I'm just tired. 

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