Thursday, September 22, 2011

Days Go By...

So yeah, it's already Thursday - when did that happen? Here's what the week has held, so far:
  • Monday's run, which left me in some serious pain on Tuesday.
  • Tuesday & Wednesday, played some doubles with friends.
  • Wednesday also held the first baseball practice of fall season. Wow, we have a ways to go on that front. Some of those kids have been groomed to play the sport starting around six months old. There's a little boy on his team who has been taught to play catcher. And by that I mean, he has the equipment, the catcher's glove, the shin guards, can catch and throw pretty damn well, and hits the crap out of the ball. He may also be an older 7, as opposed to the 6 that some of the kids are, but damn. It's hard to know what to do here. Do I push Benjamin so he works harder and gets better but may not enjoy it as much, or do I just let him enjoy it for the time being? I have no idea what to do. 
  • Backhands!!!  Yes, I know, that's really not all that exciting, but I'm starting to hit a few two handed backhands with minimal pain. This makes me very happy, 'cause it means the tendon on my left wrist is healing.
  • A project I've been working on this week. I'm beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel on it, although I may not wrap it up until next week. There will definitely be pictures of this one. It's been a learning experience, to say the least, and has sucked away a good bit of my time this week.
So that's it; that's my week in a nutshell. Not the most interesting thing in the world, but sometimes quiet weeks are good ones.

1 comment:

Lee R. said...

Probably push Benjamin if he is interested in it. Just not too hard and remind him that he's out there to learn and have fun. If he's not having fun then you reassess and make it fun for him. That's what I tried to do with our oldest in Soccer and he really enjoys playing.

I, also, always have a negative comment for him to work on followed by a positive one to end on.

I'll give an example, Michael failed to block a goal cause he didn't leave his feet, so I reminded him that next time he needs to jump (barely 6" above his hands). I then told him how proud I was of his elevated kick popping the ball up over the opponents and back to the offense like the older kids were doing during his last practice.

Its tough to know how hard to push, but you've got to give them some effort cause they don't do it themselves yet at that age.