Monday, September 12, 2011


Alyssa got in the car today after school and told me that someone in her class has chicken pox. I asked who it was, and she gleefully shouted that it was G, a little boy who has been the class troublemaker since day one. She continued, telling me that he has to be out for fourteen days, so the class will be without G for fourteen whole days! Hooray!


I feel sorry for the little boy, but I've never met him, and she and B both tell me that he is mean and pushes other kids around, punches, etc. It sounds like there is more than just normal misbehavior here, but I have no way of knowing that. I mean, he's only in kindergarten. This kid's got a tough row to hoe if this is how things play out.

1 comment:

Gina and Michael said...

Poor kid! While hard to not, that should not be the message the teacher is conveying to the class. ;-(