Thursday, September 1, 2011

Wrist Shenanigans

Dx for wrist issue: partially torn tendon. Rx: 4 weeks rest, brace, anti-inflammatories. But I can still play tennis (albeit with the crappy one handed slice), and do pretty much anything else as long as I'm careful and keep my left hand out of the action. At the end of four weeks, we'll try the tennis thing again with a two handed backhand and see where we are. Fingers crossed that it has healed significantly by then, but even if it hasn't, that's ok. Thank god I'm not left handed.

As far as injuries go, this one is just fine with me. No restricted activities other than a two handed backhand. And that's much better than me moaning and complaining for the next 9 months that I can't run or exercise. Believe me, no one wants that.

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