Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Productive Week

When I quit work at the beginning of the summer, I had lots of grand plans for things I would do around the house. You know, decluttering, organizing, doing some of the things around that house that have needed doing since we moved in, oh, three years ago.

But anyone who has kids at home would've laughed at my ambitious thoughts. 'Cause really. A 5 year old and a 6 year old don't give a damn about your ambitious plans; they just want to a) go to the park; b) watch a movie; c) go to the toy store; d) eat; e) all of the above.

So very little got done.

But now, they are back in school. And in the last week and a half, I've finally made some progress around the house. Crowning achievement: the garage. It's clean. Now, it's not yet organized, but it is CLEAN. As in, you could probably get two cars in there - and that hasn't happened since about an hour after we started moving things in the house. And in other news:

  • Kiddos clothes are organized.
  • Multiple goodwill runs have been made.
  • The last few pieces of baby equipment are being donated to friends who can really use it.
  • A budget has been made (now we'll have to see about following it).
  • The yard is mowed, and a few nagging tasks out there have been completed.
  • The kitchen has been organized and is getting used more often (see: homemade bread for kiddos' lunch sandwiches).
  • J's and my bedroom has been cleaned and decluttered.
  • Master bathroom - ideas for updating / renovation are in progress, and I'm starting to look for materials. Still not sure of a timeframe, but it's getting closer. And one of the big impediments (at least in my mind) was that we had nowhere to stage materials when we started gathering them. See: a clean garage!!!
So yeah. I'm finally starting to see the results of the last week and a half, which is nice. I'd hate for J to think I sit on the couch eating bon bons and watching tv all day. But he knows me better than that. He knows I don't like tv. Now, where's my book...

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