Monday, November 21, 2011

About the Running, Among other Things...

Yeesh. I'm not sure how I can really say that the last few weeks have been all that busy...but they have! But we all know that's an excuse. I just haven't been running. We've got the Fayetteville half marathon coming up in just under 3 weeks, and I really need to get my ass in gear. The best long run I've gotten didn't make it to 11 miles, and my weekly three and four milers have been sorely lacking. So today, I get back to it. It'll probably be a treadmill kinda day, but that's ok. I just need to take get some miles under my belt and get back on track.

Oh, and on a different note, I sent some resumes around last week. I finally hit the point where I felt like it was the right time to start looking. I've gotten some positive feedback, but I'm not sure things will play out. I do kind of miss having some structure to my day, but I'm not looking forward to the craziness that comes with two working parents. Oh well, no reason to bellyache about it - it'll all work out eventually.

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