Friday, October 21, 2011

Inside Out

Scene: The Kitchen.
Time: 5:3pm, yesterday afternoon.

Alyssa: "Mommy, I think your shirt is on inside out."
Me: "Hmmm, I doubt it."
Alyssa: "Mommy, I really think it is."
Me: "OK, let me check..."
Me: "Well, yes, yes it is. Isn't that nice."

To all of the folks I saw yesterday at Kroger, on the tennis court, and in the pickup area at school - please feel free to tell me if my shirt is on inside out. Really -I'd rather know.


Gina and Michael said...

I would have told you!

Around the Page said...

Haha! No doubt you would have, too! Sheesh. What's really bad is that I even double checked to make sure it was right side out. Great job, huh.