Monday, January 24, 2011

On the Bright Side...

So for whatever reason, I've been attracting migraine headaches lately.  I'm not sure why, I usually don't get them.  But I managed to find one on Saturday night, and it's been plaguing me ever since.  And before you ask, no, there was no red wine involved!

After I got into Houston this morning, I gave it what I considered a triple whammy - food (a granola bar), caffeine (nearly 2 cups of coffee) and two Alleve, all in the span of about 10 minutes.  If anything, the headache doubled its efforts.  Not cool.

For lunch, I decided to continue down the "kill it with food" path, and got the chicken fried chicken lunch special from the restaurant in the basement of my building.  Lots of gravy, ranch dressing, and generally bad-for-you food.  10 minutes after lunch?  I'm finally beginning to feel human again.  It's not gone yet, but it feels better than it has in 24 hours.  Of note:  sometimes there IS a good excuse for chicken fried chicken...

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