Monday, January 10, 2011

Bullet (and Other Assorted) Madness

So, in bullet form, here is the craziness that was this weekend.  If you don't make it through to the end?  I don't blame you. 
  • Friday night, work late, can't get back to AR, stayed in Houston.  Made crucial error of having some red wine with my friend M on Friday night.
  • Saturday morning, start the drive about 7:30 and realize red wine from the night before is about to cause a migraine.  Great.
  • Saturday afternoon, get in about 2:30, eat pizza J has warmed up for me, and crash on the couch with A for the next 4 hours watching movies, hoping headache will eventually give up.
  • Saturday night, get up, make dinner, have a nerf war (parents v. kids - I think parents won).  Still trying unsuccessfully to kill the migraine.  Note to self:  shrieking and running around in a nerf war may be fun, but is not good for killing headache.
  • Late Saturday night, realize that the weather really is going to get bad on Sunday with much snow, and start to stress about getting back to Houston.  Headache gets exponentially worse.  Write whiny blog post.
  • Sometime in the middle of the night:  get up and take medicine for the headache from hell.
  • Sunday morning, lie in bed as long as possible, wishing head would just go ahead and explode instead of punishing me for something I didn't do.  Ok, maybe I did do it, but I didn't overdo it!  Stupid red wine...
  • Sunday morning, finally get up.  Take more medicine and pound two cups of coffee in rapid succession.  After being awake for an hour or so, headache finally abates and I can actually start thinking clearly again.
  • Shit. 
  • 11am Sunday Morning, T-minus 2.5 hours until birthday time:  The list of things to do is incredibly long, I don't have time to do them, I'm woefully unprepared for B's birthday party that afternoon, I'm not packed, it's going to snow, we don't have milk, we haven't wrapped any packages, and I can't make up my damned mind about whether to fly or drive.  At least mother nature took care of one of those things for me...
  • Sunday afternoon:  party is a success, but everyone beats a hasty exit to avoid the snow that has started.  Everyone except us, of course.  Leave the party at 4:00pm, get caught in the major snow, don't get home until after 6.  Get frightened by the number of idiots on the road who have no business being out there.  Seriously - the group of guys pushing the pickup up the hill at Camp Robinson, using bits of chain wrapped around the tires (not tire chains - just lengths of chain that were tied on the tires) and running around barefoot really took the cake.  Flight that I had booked for 6pm doesn't even come close to happening. 
  • Sunday night, stress levels achieve nearly record heights.  Feeling like the slacker of the group for not being in the office all weekend like the rest of the team has, but priority went to my boy's birthday party.  I made the right decision, but that doesn't mean that it didn't cause stress.  Hello rock, meet hard place.
  • Realize I'm going to have to take a 6:30am flight out of LR Monday morning, which means leaving the house around 4:30am (roads totally covered in snow, not going to be a fast trip).  Bundle kids up around 9pm, take them to my parent's house to spend the night so they don't have to get up crazy early and make the possibly treacherous drive to the airport with J and I.  Spend several minutes cussing my lack of preparation as I get them packed - one kid has only one glove (J went through the entire entry way closet - where the hell do gloves go to die, anwyay??), there are no scarves, they only have snow boots 'cause my mom bought them some, and they really have no clothing that is great for playing in the snow.  HUGE parenting fail. 
  • Sunday morning, get up well before it's light out, get dressed, get out to the airport, wait for the flight that was delayed an hour, and finally get down to Houston around 10:30 this morning.  THANK GOD that weekend is over. 
So, here we are today.  Enough with moaning and complaining of the weekend, right? As one of my coworkers said last week, I just need to put my big girl panties on and suck it up.  I'm in Houston for the week, most of January in fact, and that's just life right now.  So deal.  And I will - this time, without the red wine.


Lee said...

I made it through the whole list.

No more red wine for you, switch to limoncello none of those nasty sulfates.

Family allows takes priority. No one ever said it was going to be easy, but you and J seem to be doing a bang up job. Good call.

Around the Page said...

Congrats, Lee! I'm not sure I would have; it was a bit self indulgent. I'm hoping that now that I've written it all out, maybe I can forget the whole darned weekend, aside from the birthday party anyway.

Not a big fan of limoncello, but if I stick to whiskey I seem to do to ok. These days, a single glass of red wine can trigger a killer headache. Getting old sucks.

I'm' planning on the rest of the week being a bit less whiny. We'll see how that works out... :)

Lee said...

I love limoncello, like summertime in a glass. Of course I also love 100 year aged Grand Mariner too, just don't have it that often.

I never have liked the reds for drinking, but love a decent pinot noir in coq au vin.

There is always margaritas. :)

Around the Page said...

Hah, I can imagine that 100 year old Grand Marnier doesn't just fall in your lap on a regular basis! Pretty sure I've never had that...

I love the big reds, but those are the ones that do me in. I really should just stick with whites, those don't tend to make me pay like the reds to.

Maragaritas...J has a killer margarita recipe, but I don't drink them a lot - tequila just doesn't do it for me. Go figure.