Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Early Night

Note to self:  when you go to bed at 8:30, your body will likely think you are just taking a nap, because really - who goes to sleep at 8:30? When you wake up around 11, going back to sleep will not be an option. 


Lee said...

It all depends on how tired you are. I've been so sleepy at times that bed at 7:30 seems like a great idea and I sleep straight through to 5 or 6 am. This is usually after a long night op where I am running a sleep deficiency though.

Around the Page said...

I'm not sure I'm capable of sleeping 10 straight hours - I think the kids might have killed that ability. But I was running a slight sleep deficiency and it's been an insane week, so I thought I might sleep through. No dice.