Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Kiddo Comments

I've spent a lot of time with the kiddos the last several days, and there are a couple of comments that I want to remember:
  • Yesterday, as the kiddos and I are piling into the car to go have lunch with J, my 4.5 year old girl yells from the car:  "Mommy, hurry up!  I'm freezing my BUTT off!"  Classic.
  • Overheard "whisper" from the boy as I'm cooking dinner:  "Come on, let's go shoot mommy's butt!"  (note:  nerf guns for the whole family was Santa's best idea EVER).
  • At the recycling place yesterday afternoon, my girl kept yelling the word "damaged" - only it didn't come out sounding quite like damaged, but rather sounded like "dammit."  This would have been fine had an older lady not been throwing out her recycling at the same time, well within earshot.  I tried to repeat the word loudly enough so the lady realized my four year old was in fact not cursing, but I'm not sure that worked.  I kept trying to get A to stop saying it, but then I just sounded guilty.  Yeah.  Good stuff.