Monday, February 7, 2011

Running Idiocy

I ran 6 miles yesterday.  Actually, it was somewhere just north of 6 miles, but who's counting.  It felt good to get back out there and lose myself in a longish run. 

Sidenote: It's not really a "long" run - those are reserved for 10+ miles in my book.  So maybe I should just call it a medium run.  But it was longer than I've done in several weeks.  Anyway.

I didn't run it very fast, and ended up walking it a bit here and there.  I listened to one of the more recent Phedippidations podcasts (The Poetry of Running), and pondered big, deep thoughts.  Like what I wanted to snack on during the Superbowl.

Overall, though, I was thrilled with the 11:40 average pace.  Two or three years ago, a 13:00 pace was about the best I could do for 2 or 3 mile runs - and I was exhausted at the end of them.  I was pretty tired yesterday, but I'm not too sore today, so I guess my baseline has strengthened significantly.

That's a good thing.  'Cause I'm gonna need every bit of baseline I've got on March 6 when I try to run 13.1 miles on a month's worth of training...

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