Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Still Recovering

Funny how it seems to take forever to come down from a big project.  I've done exactly ZERO hours of work the last two days, but still feel not quite rested.  So, in a nutshell, here's what I've been doing the last few days:

Monday:  I did virtually nothing of value.  Well, that's not quite true.  I paid some bills, scheduled dentist appointments, updated our finances, did some laundry, and did a small (micro) bit of cleaning.  I also did some reading, contemplated (once again) trying to learn to play the guitar, and made some potato soup for dinner.

Tuesday:  I took B to his dentist appointment.  Although he did fantastic, there were some not so great results, and he's going to be headed back for a few more visits.  On the plus side, he seems to be taking his teeth a bit more seriously.   Sidenote funny from the dentist office:  the hygienist commented that after he gets the work done on his mouth, he'll be able to eat a lot better and won't have any pain.  B and I looked at each other and I laughed, because the boy eats more than I do on a regular basis.  Eating is NOT A PROBLEM for him, nor has it ever been.  One of those things I'm quite grateful for.

After the dentist appointment, B and I had lunch and I dropped him off at school and headed back to the house.  Did a few more random things, goofed around online for a while, and actually got my guitar out and tuned it.  I have some new strings for it, but I think I'm going to bribe my brother in law to help me restring it, as I've never done that before.  After that, made some chicken and dumplings for dinner, put the kiddos to bed, and did a bit of reading. 

Today:  Dentist appointment for the girl in about 10 minutes, so I'd better wrap this up.  Conference call at work later this morning to get the next project in line, and now I go back to the grind.  I've got a few posts rattling around but nothing has crystallized so today, it's just the mundane.  Sometimes that's more than enough, though, right?

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