Sunday, February 13, 2011

Today's Run

What an incredibly nice day, as evidenced by the water skier I saw on my run today.  Yeah. Seriously - there was still snow on the banks of the river, it was 66F, and some dude was out there in a wet suit, skiing around buoys.  THAT, my friends, is sheer desperation.  To his credit, he did have gloves on...

I managed 8 miles this afternoon.  Fortunately, I did an out and back run today, meaning I ran out 4 miles before I turned around to come back.  Had I not done that, I probably would've quit around five miles into the run, hit the car and gone home.  I started feeling really rough somewhere before six miles and had to change up my music and focus on the run; otherwise, I would've stopped.  But it's done now, and my legs are "thanking" me for it already.  Ahhh advil, my new best friend...

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